January Faves Recap

Can you believe we are one month into the new year already?! In some ways this month has felt very long, I was on vacation up until 10 days into January, I worked on a 2 week web series production and I started my coaching sessions. That's a lot to fit into one month I think. Here is a look back at my fave moments, quotes and any other tidbits I wanna share.

New Years & Vacation:
Rang in the new year and continued vacation with the most incredible friends!

This insta post sums up all my feelings about my trip home.
#fbf to the most amazing vacation a girl could ask for. My trip home was exactly what my soul needed. This trip would not have been possible without the love and presence of so many people. I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you. 🌴And to you my darling Jamaica, you are MAGIC and you know it. Thank you for soothing my soul in your waters, showing me endless love through your (my) people and reminding me of the essence of who I am. Thank you for matching the rhythm of your heart with mine. You've given me quiet days filled with nature and nights backed by a beat that only my hips can describe. As I leave you once again refreshed, inspired and filled with memories that could last a lifetime, know that I carry you with me everywhere I go. I will return to you soon with a promise to give back the love you have given me. One love 🇯🇲
A photo posted by Island Girl In The City (@donaleecurtis) on
The first day back from vacation was pretty hard though.

After making it back to LA, turning the key in my door and stepping back into reality a little bit of vacation guilt started to set in. A stack of bills were waiting for me, all the problems I took a break from were still here and the dilemma of my career change was still here. It didn't take much for tears to come to my eyes and I couldn't believe that it happened so quickly. So often we think we do not deserve good things and we think doing something for ourselves is irresponsible. As I felt this panic start to set in I remembered what I learned while at home. I remembered the feeling of being fully present, allowing the joy of life to happen and remembering my ability to bring happiness to others. Although the "problems" are still here I will choose to face them with that same awareness. I will put away my anxiety and leave the door open for God to move. I will tackle each issue with presence and focus and I will breathe through it. | Have you ever felt vacation guilt? How did you get over it and what lessons did you pull from your vacation?
A photo posted by Island Girl In The City (@donaleecurtis) on

I've been on the hunt for some serious sexy, sensual sounds which lead me to DVSN's Sept 5th. Sit back, click play and try to control the body rolls headed your way. lol 

This quote stuck out to me while listening to a Tara Brach talk. Her talks have been my go to inspiration in January. If you have a little extra time in the evenings or looking for weekend inspiration, you should definitely check out her talks and meditations. 
Sit with that for a moment. Read it a few times, what comes to your mind? Write it down. 

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