February Recap

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

February was a short month and so was the faves recap list. Enjoy!


The Red Tent by Anita Diamant is a masterpiece and, in my humble opinion, something every woman should read. When I went to my local used bookstore on my self-care Sunday, I was specifically looking for books about the divine feminine, sacred feminine energy, and/or anything empowering. I had a small list but since The Red Tent is fiction it actually wasn't my top choice. Because I went to a used bookstore, many of the books I was looking for simply weren't available. but The Red Tent was. I purchased it with a little disappointment mixed with eagerness. After I got cozy in my bed and turned the first page over, all my disappointment transformed into sheer wonder. I was completely captured by the author - and the book just started! Not only are the words threaded together to make a masterful quilt of emotion and imagery, but this book gave me everything I was looking for AND MORE. It completely stole my heart and reminded me of all the women who came before me whose stories were not told. Whose stories are now a footnote in history not because their lives weren't worthy of mention but because their voices were not honored as important enough. I won't give away anything from this book because I think you should just read it. I didn't know anything about this book before I read it and I am glad I read it that way - with an open heart and mind. But if you need a little more than I did to get going, check out the preview below:

Fave Insta Moment

Seeing that I loved The Red Tent so much, of course my fave Iinsta moment was inspired by the book! 
Every woman who heals herself helps heal all the women who came before her and all those who will come after her. -Christiane Northrup I crave women in a way I have never craved anything before. As I heal my body, my soul and my mind I yearn to be surrounded by women, a sisterhood, a circle of knowing. Like the ancient ladies of the red tent, nurturing their gifts together, whispering tales only for daughters to share and weaving the knowledge of Queens. This inner work, this need to align is a slow cleansing and sometimes painful process but I do this work for Carol, Laura, Gennie, Sacil, Donnalyn, Angie, Danielle, Kianne, Holland and the yet to be named. The more I ask of me, the more I understand them. The deeper I look, the more the lines of our faces blur and we become one. The sacred, the divine. WOMBman. Name your tribe.
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I was first introduced to Maggie Rogers by a friend while on holiday a couple of months ago.  Even though I thought she was dope back then, it didn't fully hit me how dope she is until this past week. Check her out here: 


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